凯瑟琳年代. 麦克费登

薇薇安和D. Kenneth Baker Professor in the Life Sciences

F.W. 奥林科学中心2361室
1250 N. 达特茅斯大街.
Claremont, CA 91711

Education and Professional Experience

  • B.S.耶鲁大学
  • 博士,华盛顿大学
  • Postdoctoral 研究er, University of California, Davis
  • NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, Port Erin Marine Laboratory, Isle of Man
  • 研究 Associate, University College, Dublin
  • Assistant Professor, Harvey Mudd College
  • Associate Professor, Harvey Mudd College
  • 研究 Associate, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural 历史
  • Professor of 生物学, Harvey Mudd College


  • Core Laboratory: Synthetic 生物学
  • Bio 52: Introduction to 生物学
  • 生物54:生物实验室
  • 生物108:生态学 & 环境生物学
  • 生物109:进化生物学
  • Bio 110: Experimental Ecology Laboratory
  • 生物121:海洋生态学


Professor 麦克费登’s research addresses the evolutionary relationships of marine organisms, primarily corals belonging to the cnidarian sub-class Octocorallia. She and her students use a variety of molecular techniques to address the phylogenetic relationships among higher taxa of octocorals, relationships of genera and species boundaries in the soft coral family Alcyoniidae, and the evolutionary consequences of hybridization between species in the soft coral genus Alcyonium. Much of the ongoing work in the lab focuses on the use of genomic data to construct a molecular phylogeny for the Cnidarian sub-class Anthozoa (corals and sea anemones) as part of the NSF-funded 珊瑚虫UCEs项目.


(* HMC学生合著者)

  • Quattrini我, Faircloth B, 女仆L, 桥T, Brugler米, Calixto-Botia我, DeLeo D, Foret年代, Herrera年代, 李年代, 米勒D, 普拉达C, Radis-Baptista G, Ramirez-Portilla C, 桑切斯J, 罗德里格斯E, 麦克费登CS (2018) Universal target-enrichment baits for anthozoan (Cnidaria) phylogenomics: new approaches to long-standing problems. 分子生态资源 18: 281-295.
  • Benayahu Y, Ofwegen LP货车, 戴氟, 刘正xm, 宋子文K, Shlagman一, 杜SW *, 香港P *, 伊玛目NH *, 钟一个*, 吴T *, 麦克费登CS (2018) The octocorals of Dongsha Atoll (South China Sea): an iterative approach to species identification using classical taxonomy and DNA barcodes. 动物研究 57: 50.
  • 麦克费登CS, 冈萨雷斯一, Imada R *, 香港P *, 施S *, 郑伊健米, Benayahu Y (2019) Molecular operational taxonomic units reveal regional endemism in the Indo-Pacific octocoral family Xeniidae. 生物地理杂志 46: 992-1006. doi: 10.1111 / jbi.13543.
  • Quattrini我, 吴T *, 宋子文K, 刘正xm, Benayahu Y, 麦克费登CS (2019) A next generation approach to species delimitation reveals the role of hybridization in a cryptic species complex of corals. 进化生物学 19: 116.
  • 马宏升KN, 博茨R, 戴维斯T, 冈田克也B *, 马宏升EM, 伯CA, 阿尔瓦拉多啊, 布雷登C *, Caraballo米, 沙里河J, Chicoine B, 克朗普顿JC *, 戴维斯年代, Gromek SM, Kurnianda V, Quach K *, RM样品, Shieh V *, Sultana C *, 田中J, Dorrestein电脑, Balunas乔丹, 麦克费登CS (2020) Cryptic species account for the seemingly idiosyncratic secondary metabolism of Sarcophyton glaucum 在帕劳收集的标本. 天然产物杂志, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021 / acs.jnatprod.9b01128
  • Quattrini我, 罗德里格斯E, Faircloth公元前, 牧场主人P, Brugler先生, 尔克, Hellberg我, 非MV, 莫里森CL, Paz-Garcia哒, 雷蒙JD, 麦克费登CS (2020) Paleoclimate ocean conditions shaped diversification of coral skeletal composition through deep time. 自然生态 & 进化 [4]: 1531-1538.org/10.1038/s41559-020-01291-1
  • Erickson KL*, Pentico A*, Quattrini我, 麦克费登CS (2020) New approaches to species delimitation and population structure of anthozoans: two case studies of octocorals using ultraconserved elements and exons. 分子生态资源, doi: 10.1111/1755‐0998.13241
  • 牧场主人PF, Quattrini我, 桥TCL, Grinblat M, TE Roberts, 麦克费登CS, 米勒D, Baird A (2020) An enhanced target-enrichment baitset for Hexacorallia provides phylogenomic resolution of the staghorn corals (Acroporidae) and close relatives. 分子系统发生学 & 进化 153: 106944
  • unedt CB, Quattrini我, 麦克费登CS, Alderslade PA, Burridge CP (2021) Phylogenetic relationships within Chrysogorgia (软珊瑚目:八放珊瑚), a morphologically diverse genus of octocoral, revealed using a target enrichment approach. 海洋科学前沿 7: 599984.
  • 麦克费登CS, Quattrini我, Brugler先生, 牧场主人的电脑, 女仆低频, 非MV, Paz-Garcia哒, 雷蒙JD, 罗德里格斯E (2021) Phylogenomics, origin and diversification of anthozoans (Phylum Cnidaria). 系统生物学, doi: 10.1093 / sysbio / syaa103
